Blend Time Homogeneity Analysis in Downstream Processing

By   Admin

Client’s Name: Johnson & Johnson

Profile: An American multinational, pharmaceutical, and medical technologies.

Focus Area:: Blend time uniformity in VIN Vessel


With the start of a new manufacturing facility, concerns arose regarding the uniformity of blend time within downstream processing tanks, with specific scrutiny directed towards the VIN Vessel. This vessel primarily serves for pH measurement and adjustment. The challenge centered on the placement of the pH probe within the vessel.
The challenge involved ensuring consistent blend time uniformity within the VIN Vessel, particularly concerning the placement of the pH probe.

To address this challenge, a straightforward approach was adopted,

  • A tracer study conducted within the vessel.
  • Blend time analysis
  • pH probe's impact assessment on mixing uniformity

Using MixIT software, the issue regarding blend time uniformity and pH probe placement within the VIN Vessel was successfully resolved in a timely manner. This proactive approach was crucial, as it pre-empted potential complications during the vessel's commissioning and qualification process.

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