Collaborative framework to mitigate erosion risk

Pipeline Erosion Risk Mitigation Toolbox or PERMiT define safe operating zones for pipelines through fast scenario testing.

About PERMiT

PERMiT, tailored for the oil and gas sector, enhances both pipeline design and operation by ensuring compliance with erosion thresholds. It predicts and evaluates erosion rates for pipeline components, aiding designers in sizing pipelines and suggesting operational parameters within safe limits.

Additionally, it allows field operators to dynamically optimize production rates, ensuring pipeline safety amid changing scenarios. With a user-friendly interface, PERMiT simplifies input and expedites analysis, comparing data across six erosion models and accommodating various operational conditions.

It swiftly generates plots and tables for assessing multiple scenarios, while its integrated database enables validation of predictions with real-world data and facilitates knowledge sharing across organizations. This fusion of database functionality and erosion prediction solidifies PERMiT as a vital tool for managing erosion risks in pipeline infrastructure.


How it works

Erosion Rate Estimation
Erosion Rate Estimation

It calculates pipeline erosion rates, users can define various components, operational scenarios, and pipe sizes to find erosion rates for their specific needs. It even allows for calculations based on standard oil and gas industry piping specifications.

Plot Envelope and Graph Conversion
Plot Envelope and Graph Conversion

PERMiT creates visual aids for erosion analysis to generate curves and graphs based on various models, allowing users to easily compare and analyze different erosion scenarios.

Lab & Field Data Validation
Lab & Field Data Validation

PERMiT integrates published erosion data for comparison with model results, aiding risk assessment. It also allows organizations to build their own data library for informed decision-making and knowledge sharing.


Multiple Erosion Models & Comparison
Multiple Erosion Models & Comparison
PERMiT allows you to predict and compare erosion rates across six different erosion models namely, API, DNV, Jordan-ECRC, Salama, Salama-Venkatesh and ECRC. These are widely accepted empirical models used across the Oil & Gas industry.
Analyze various Piping Components
Analyze various Piping Components
PERMiT allows the user to predict and compare erosion rates for various piping components. The component being analyzed is represented graphically for better understanding.
Comprehensive Parametric Analysis
Comprehensive Parametric Analysis
PERMiT computes erosion rates using multiple models for diverse pipe sizes, components, flow rates, and fluid properties in a single analysis. Users can select various piping components and input parameters simultaneously. Erosion rate units are adjustable post-calculation for user convenience.
Perform Sensitivity Studies
Perform Sensitivity Studies
PERMiT enables user to create sensitivity plots for various parameters. A constant parameter and a sensitivity parameter can be specified to study the effect of the sensitivity parameters on erosion rates for various values of constant parameter.
Library of Experimental Data
Library of Experimental Data
PERMiT allows easy access to the compiled, published / proprietary experimental database. It helps compare model results with experimental data for various piping components. The component being analyzed is represented graphically for better understanding.
Overlay operating envelope curves
Overlay operating envelope curves
PERMiT allows the user to generate velocity boundary plots/operating envelope curves using different erosion models. These can then be superimposed for easy comparison.
Intuitive GUI
Intuitive GUI
PERMiT features a user-friendly interface simplifying parameter selection. Its built-in database automatically selects model-specific parameter values based on user inputs, graying out irrelevant options. Users can input value ranges for certain parameters, facilitating analysis across multiple values in a single operation, saving time. Also, users have flexibility in choosing input parameters' unit systems.
Several Usability Features
Several Usability Features
PERMiT streamlines erosion analysis with helpful features like Caution Notes for out-of-range inputs, ensuring accuracy. Users can export data and plots to Excel for deeper analysis and future reference. Its built-in materials database facilitates erosion rate calculations and operating envelope plotting for various materials, enhancing versatility.
Standard Pipe Schedules and Sizes Chart
Standard Pipe Schedules and Sizes Chart
PERMiT allows user to select pipe sizes and schedule from the database. has a predefined set of parameters as per the standard piping schedules and sizes chart. These are used across the industry.
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