Predict and Mitigate Erosion, Efficiently Manage Synthetic Data, Deploy Physics Informed AI/ML models

Industry Overview

Tridiagonal Software helps pipeline and asset integrity engineers in the Oil & Gas industry to estimate Erosion using a combination of erosion models as well as CFD analysis.

The Oil & Gas industry generates an enormous of synthetic data from various simulations. Tridiagonal’s synthetic data management platform empowers O&G industry to extract, store and deploy this data.


Challenges Addressed

Erosion Monitoring

Identify erosion hotspots and insure you do not miss them during routine inspections. Increase monitoring frequencies based on reliable models and CFD data.

Sand Management

Poor sand management can lead to severe erosion and operational inefficiencies. By predicting erosion impacts and developing effective sand management strategies, it will lead to better management of the overall process.

Maintenance Cost

The lifetime of the pipeline is directly related to an accurate prediction of erosion and managing it. By optimizing the inspection and maintenance schedule, the pipeline systems can provide smooth operations for a long time while optimizing the operations cost.

Simulation Data Management

PDF reports and PowerPoint slides are static and hard to navigate. Extracting and digitizing simulation datasets, curating and storing them with the option to search and extract more information on demand, dramatically extends the life of simulation data and makes it dynamic.

Reduced Order Modeling

Convert simulation data into reduced order models and publish Apps to enable decision support. These instant models enable quick analysis and decisions.

AI/ML and Physics Informed Models

Merge Synthetic data with historian data and generate ML or PINNs which can then be published through a Web Platform for enterprise access.

Use Cases

Unlock the power of process optimization! Dive into our use-case library to explore real-world examples of how companies across industries leverage our solutions. Discover how we've worked on challenges like yours and empowered our customers to achieve their goals.

Why Choose Us

Why Tridiagonal Software

Team new

A skilled blend of chemical engineers with post-grad and PhD qualifications

Consulting Expertise

500+ man-years serving Fortune 500 Oil & Gas clients worldwide.

Solution new

For optimizing and analyzing process conditions.

Engagement models
Engagement Models

Flexibility to choose between product and consulting.

Value Creation
Value Creation

Incorporating best practices and methods to create and deliver value for customers.

Multi Skilled Expertise
Flexible Deployment

Select between on-premise and cloud options to suit requirements.

Our Products

Tridiagonal Software provides industry-agnostic solutions that unlock the full potential of your processes. Our software solutions empower users with deep insights, enabling confident decision-making and optimized process performance.

  • Remove roadblocks that restrict process optimization.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of assets and process.
  • Make decisions with confidence while optimizing process performance.
SimSight uses advanced modeling enhancing design, selection, sizing, and tech transfer decisions.

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