Mixing analysis for successful scale-up of Crystallization Processes

By   Admin

Effective scale-up of crystallization processes relies heavily on proficient mixing techniques. Improper mixing can lead to detrimental outcomes such as oiling out, agglomeration, and unstable Metastable Zone Width (MZW), significantly impacting nucleation and growth kinetics.

In our upcoming webinar, we delve into the complexities of reactive and antisolvent crystallization processes, highlighting their sensitivity to mixing dynamics. Discover how strategic selection of agitator types, speeds, and dosing locations can mitigate challenges associated with local supersaturation zones and wide particle size distributions.

In this webinar, you'll learn about:

  • Insightful case studies demonstrating the transformative impact of detailed mixing analysis using MixIT. Optimization of reactor hardware and operating conditions to achieve consistent batch-to-batch product quality.
  • Actions to be taken to enhance product yield, and reduce batch cycle times by up to 30%.


Webinar Link

Featured Presenter

Gopal Kasat
Dr. Gopal Kasat
Global Director-Mixing Science
Uttam Joshi
Dr. Uttamkumar Joshi
Director – Training & Consulting Services

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