Webapps are a great tool to create an interactive interface to visualizing the interaction of Process Parameters (PP), Process Metrics (PM) and Quality Attributes (QA).
Let’s say we have a database of assets with it’s credential information and operating parameters. Next step is to access the information in an organized form, and an interactive webapp will help us exactly do that!
We will explore an example in this blog that will provide an insight into ‘ How can a webapp be used for Asset Characterization ?
As an illustrative example, the webapp for a crystallization process for which 5 Critical Process Metrics (CPM), Shear Rate, Tip Velocity, Micromixing Time, Macromixing Time and Minimum Suspension Velocity, have been identified is shown in the animation below. This webapp acts as a process metric (PM) calculator and visualizing tool to understand the effect of process parameters on process metrics.

This webapp which is a 400+ line Jupyter Notebook on the backend, acts as a very intuitive interface for an user. On the left is the Asset information, followed by the Geometry details below it. On the right, various CPMs can be chosen to view the First Principle Models in terms of CPPs. With all the data being accessed from a database, the webapp then calculates the selected CPM and the user is able to view a 2 D plot of the selected CPM and the selected CPP.
In addition to understanding the process metrics, such webapps can also be built to visualization process metrics’ connection to quality attributes.
Stay tuned in this space for more blogs on how simple interactive webapps and data science assist in Asset Characterization like never before!
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